I used to get so excited about my birthday when I was younger, it pretty much always coincided with The Show, the highlight of the Alice Springs social calender (along with the Camel Cup, sad I know, but thats another story) so I was always stoked to have a new outfit to wear to it and my birthday money to be able to spend on anything I wanted.... which funnily enough was generally something craft related (not much of a rides girl)
But as each year passes a little bit more of the excitment fades and is replaced with the reality of adulthood. Now I dont mean to whinge but when you spend most of the day alone (or in the company of a teething 21 month old and a hungry 4 week old) it really doesn't feel like anything special.
The high and low lights of my day:
4.00am Woke up to Connor crying
5.05am - Elizabeth wakes up wanting to be fed
6.30am - Wake up to the sound of
Elizabeth vomiting in the bed beside me followed quickly by the disgusting feeling of it running down my back
7.00am - Connor wakes up... Lots of cuddles and kisses, we open my pressies. big ooohs and ahhhs over the lovely gifts I recieve. Even connor joined in with the oohs and ahhs.
10.30am - Arrive at shopping centre, no carparks to be found (forgot it was the first day of the toy sales) some rude women takes the carpark that I had been sitting waiting 2 mins to get into.
4.00pm - A good friend arrives with her son to keep me company for the afternoon/ evening
7.00pm - Aaron arrives home just as we are ordering dinner (fabulous surprise as I didn't expect him home until 10.30)
Midnight - Bedtime
Not the most exciting if birthdays but definately one of the longest I have had in a while.
So now its over and behind me, next year will be my 30th and I'm planning on having a party so at least thats something to look forward to!!!!
Also, during the course of the day I did recieve some lovely phone calls and text messages from my family and friends which did make me feel all warm and fuzzy and loved and for this I thank them all.
And thanks to Elizabeth throwing up on me in bed it will definately be a birthday I wont forget in a hurry.
I edited this post after rereading it the next morning and deciding it was incredibly depressing and negative and thats not the way I want to remember my birthday.